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Hello: How to Nail Your Phone Interview

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Employers are frequently inundated with applications. Recruiters and hiring managers frequently rely on phone interviews for basic screening because many of the candidates appear to be fairly similar on paper. 

Before bringing in possible applicants for face-to-face interviews, this approach helps to limit down the pool of talent.

Because you can’t make eye contact or read the interviewer’s body language as you can in a standard face-to-face interview, demonstrating your interpersonal skills can be more difficult.

Here are a few phone interview techniques to help you have a successful phone interview.

Make use of your landline

If you have access to a landline phone, you should use it for the phone interview. Phone interviewers are killed by mobile dropouts and black holes. It is not just the best connectivity choice available, but it also demonstrates commitment and effort.

Remove all potential sources of distraction

Turn off the television, take a seat, and gather all of your phone interview preparation materials. During a phone interview, you’ll need to focus a little more, so establish or be in a peaceful location.

List of the questions

Keep your notes close to hand and consider drafting a list of questions ahead of time. During the phone interview, jot down notes and express your questions concisely.

Speak clearly

Make sure you talk directly into the phone or headset so the interviewer can hear you. Before responding to the interviewer’s questions, wait until he or she has finished speaking. Even though the interviewer cannot see you, your tone of voice will come off as lively and pleasant if you grin while giving your replies.

Use proper etiquette

Sending a thank you note to the interviewer after the phone interview is a fantastic idea. This is an excellent time to restate your main arguments and demonstrate your interest in the position.

It’s a matter of standing out

The phone interview is essentially a culling process, with the goal of narrowing down the pool of candidates who will advance to face-to-face interviews. If you want to advance to the next stage of the interview process, these tips will help you stand out from the crowd.

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