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Your Turn: Questions to Ask in an Interview

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people in an interview, with their hands above the table

Have you ever been stumped as to what to ask during a job interview? When looking for employment, it’s crucial to remember that an interview isn’t only for the company to see whether you’re a good fit; it’s also for you to see if you’re a good fit.

Why should you bring a list of interview questions with you?

You’ll find out fast if the position is a good fit for you if you bring good interview questions for managers to the table. You’ll also show the recruiting manager that you’re interested and prepared, as well as learn whether the manager has any lingering doubts

Here are the top seven interview questions to ask.

Could you give me an example of a typical day in the life of this position?

This question allows you to get down to the nitty-gritty of your job. The interviewing manager may dangle a plethora of enticing carrots, yet the reality of the position may be as mundane as hay. This question will assist you in determining how you will actually spend your time.

What will be the most difficult aspect of this job for me?

This question has two purposes: it shows your interviewing manager that you are eager to take on new tasks, and it helps you discover what unique issues you may face. No position is ideal; it’s vital to know what the role’s specific obstacles will be so you can assess whether they’re problems you’re motivated to achieve or not.

What criteria will be used to evaluate my performance in this position? What types of KPIs do you have in place?

This is one of the most often asked interview questions. It indicates that you are goal-oriented, which is a desirable trait among hiring managers. It may also assist you in determining whether the company is focused on growth and whether you will be successful.

What has been your favorite aspect of working here?

This question allows you to engage with your manager on a personal level and learn about his or her own goals and drivers. You could learn something about his or her personal life with which you can relate, as well as a little about the team’s and company’s culture.

What do you believe the perfect applicant for this position would be, and how do I compare? Is there anything you believe my skill set or experience is lacking?

This inquiry reveals whether the recruiting manager is concerned about any gaps in your experience or skill set. Pay close attention to the response. You could get a chance to put your fears to rest. If you do have a skill or experience gap, you may use this as a chance to express your self-awareness and desire in training or development to bring you up to speed.

Why did the prior individual resign from this position?

In an interview, this is another smart question to ask. It can show if the individual was promoted – which would suggest that the firm promotes career advancement – or whether there are any cultural concerns inside the company that you should be aware of.

What are the prospects for advancement in this position? What training and professional development programs do you have available?

Asking this question indicates to your future employer that you are career-focused and eager to learn and grow within the organization.

In an interview, here are some pointers on how to ask good questions.

  • If possible, include these questions into the interview as it progresses. It shows the interviewer that you’re involved and proactive in the process. Alternatively, wait until the end – but don’t ask the question if it has already been addressed during the interview.
  • Don’t ask a question that can be simply answered by looking up the firm on the internet or using Google.

It’s easy to let anxiety get in the way of getting the job you desire during an interview. If you come prepared with a list of solid interview questions and cross them off as you go, you’ll be well on your way to a successful interview.

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